On September 29, 2023. in TEHNOMONT – BRODOGRADILIŠTE PULA d.o.o., was held launching ceremony of two 25 m aluminum fire-fighting vessels TEHNOMONT yard numbers 123 and 124
MoreNew contract for Tehnomont
28.07.2023. the contract has been signed between Moen Marin AS from Norway and Tehnomont Shipyard Pula d.o.o.
MorePresident Milanović Visits Tehnomont Shipyard in Pula
The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović today 06.05.2022. visited the Tehnomont Shipyard in Pula, where he held a working meeting with company management and toured the shipyard’s production facilities.
MoreLaunching of newbuilding’s GR.117 / GR.118
07.04.2022. and 09.04.2022. at the location of Tehnomont Shipyard in Pula, was held launching ceremony of fishing vessels GR 117 and GR 118. In October 2020, was signed
MoreLaunching of service vessel no.119 – KB ROKK
On Saturday 18.12.2021. launching of yard 119 (BN296) was performed. Yard 119 named KB ROKK is a fish farming service vessel. Vessel’s key particulars are as follows: length overall 24m, beam 11.2m
MoreLaunching of passenger vessel no. 116 Mali Brijun
The passenger vessel "Mali Brijun" for the Public Institution Brijuni National Park was launched on June 30, 2021. in Tehnomont Shipyard Pula.
Recertification ISO standards
Tehnomont Shipyard Pula d.o.o. has certified its production processes back in 2002, in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard - Quality Control.
New contract for Tehnomont
Successful cooperation between Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula d.o.o. and Company Moen Marin As Trondtheim, Norway are going further.
Launch of service ship no.114 AQS TOR
On Saturday September 12th 2020. launching of yard 114 (BN267) was performed. Yard 114 named AQS TOR is a fishfarming service vessel.
Gr.113 – Delivery of service catamaran vessel “JUL
Delivery of 15x12 m Service catamaran Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 113, took place on 06.07.2020. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula. The name of the vessel is “JULIAN” and following Delivery the vessel will be lifted on heavy lifter for transportation to Norway
Gr. 110 – Launching of fishing vessel - Elizabeth Anne
On Wednesday, 10.06.2020. in TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula d.o.o., was held launching ceremony of NB.110 – ELIZABETH ANNE - fishing vessel 26 m long and 7.6 m wide with a total engine power of 420 kW, which is being built and equipped for Irish client.
Gr. 109 – Launching of fishing vessel - MARY PAUL
On Tuesday, 09.06.2020. in TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula d.o.o., was held launching ceremony of NB.109 - MARY PAUL - fishing vessel 26 m long and 7.6 m wide with a total engine power of 420 kW, which is being built and equipped for Irish client.
MoreLaunching of passenger vessel no. 116 – “MALI BRIJUN
The passenger vessel "Mali Brijun" for the Public Institution Brijuni National Park was launched on June 30, 2021. in Tehnomont Shipyard Pula.
Gr.114 - Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel
Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 114, took place on 10.03.2021. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula. The name of the vessel is “AQS TOR”. This is seventh vessel in sequence of 24 m service ships that Tehnomont builds for Norwegain customer Moen Marin AS.
MoreAlgerian Ambassador visits Tehnomont shipyard
The Ambassador of the Republic Algeria in Croatia, Nj.E.g. Mokhtar Amine Khelif visited on March 10, 2021. Tehnomont Shipyard in Pula.
MoreRecertification ISO standards
Tehnomont Shipyard Pula d.o.o. has certified its production processes back in 2002, in accordance with the ISO 9001 standard - Quality Control.
MoreNew contract for Tehnomont
Successful cooperation between Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula d.o.o. and Company Moen Marin As Trondtheim, Norway are going further.
Poziv na dostavu ponuda
Naziv projekta: Razvoj novih tehnologija i poslovnih procesa u cilju zapošljavanja i održavanja zaposlenosti osoba s invaliditetom kod poslodavaca na otvorenom tržištu rada, odnosno kod osoba s inavliditetom koje se samozapošljavaju.
MoreNew contract for Tehnomont
New contract has been signed on 05.10.2020. for building two Wet Fish Trawler between 60 Nort Fishing (Shetland) Ltd from Scotland and Tehnomont – Shipyard Pula Ltd.
MoreLaunch of ship no. 114 AQS TOR - service ship
On Saturday September 12th 2020. launching of yard 114 (BN267) was performed. Yard 114 named AQS TOR is a fishfarming service vessel.
MoreGr.113 – Delivery of service catamaran vessel “JULIAN
Delivery of 15x12 m Service catamaran Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 113, took place on 06.07.2020. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula.
Gr. 110 – Launching of fishing vessel - ELIZABETH
On Wednesday, 10.06.2020. in TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula d.o.o., was held launching ceremony of NB.110 – ELIZABETH ANNE
MoreGr. 109 – Launching of fishing vessel - MARY PAUL
On Tuesday, 09.06.2020. in TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula d.o.o., was held launching ceremony of NB.109 - MARY PAUL
MoreGr. 113 – Launching of Service Aluminum Catamaran
On Thursday, 04.23.2020. Gr. 113 – JULIAN - Service aluminum catamaran vessel 15 m long and 12 m wide, constructed by TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula Ltd., f
Obavijest klijentima i poslovnim partnerima glede korona virusa COVID-19
Sukladno preporukama Stožera civilne zaštite za sprječavanje širenja koronavirusa, a u cilju smanjenja rizika daljnjeg širenja zaraze,
New contract for Tehnomont
19.12.2019. contract for the design and construction of a passenger ship was signed between Tehnomont - Shipyard Pula and Public Institution Brijuni National Park.
Gr.111 - Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel
Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 111, took place on 13.12.2019. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula. The name of the vessel is “AQUA SERVICE”. This is sixth vessel in sequence of 24 m service ships that Tehnomont builds for Norwegain customer Moen Marin AS.
MoreSide launching Gr.111 – 24 m Service vessel
On 30th September 2019 Gr.111 – AQUA SERVICE , 24 m Service Vessel constructed by TEHNOMONT Shipyard Pula, for Norwegian company MOEN MARIN AS, Trondheim, was side launched into the sea.
New contract for Tehnomont
New contract for 1+1 24 m Fish farming Service Vessel, already seventh vessel in series, has been signed in Trondheim, Norway. It is sister ship of newbuilding 111 that will be finalized in December 2019. The vessel is 24 m long, 11.20 m wide, with 3.50 m draft and can run at 11 knots with bollard pull of 12 tons, and shall have hull number 114.
MoreNew Contract signed for aluminium catamarans
New contract has been signed in Trondheim on 08th April 2019. for building of 1 aluminium catamaran designed for fish farming in Norway. The vessel is 15 m long, 12 m wide with bollard pull of about 8 tons.
MoreDelivery of 20 m Fishing vessel
NB107,20 m Fishing vessel has been handover to the Norwegian buyer on 09.01.2019. The boat characteristics are:lenght 20 m, beam 9 and draft of 4.80 m, powered by EL-MARINE 2x325kW engines + 270 kWh batteries, and achieves a maximum speed of 10 knots.
MoreDelivery of 24 m Service Vessel
Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 108, took place on 09.01.2019. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula. The name of the vessel is “GODFISKEN” and following Delivery the vessel will be lifted on heavy lifter for transportation to Norway.
MoreNew contract for Tehnomont
New contract has been signed in Dublin on 16.12.2018. for building of 2 Prawn Freezer Trawler. The vessels are 26 m long, 7,6 m wide with 420 kw engine power. The vessels will be equipped with trawling equipment and freezing cargo hold.
MoreBočno porinuće radnog Broda
Bočnoporinuće Tehnomontove Gr. 108 - 24 m Radnog Broda za norveška ribogojilišta, obavljeno je u brodogradilištu 10. studenog 2018.
Porinuće 21 m Ribarice
Porinuće21 m Ribarice za norveškog naručitelja, Tehnomontova Gr. 107,obavljeno je u brodogradilištu 20. rujna 2018.
Servisni katamaran „AQUA SUPPORTER
U Puli, dana 18. srpnja 2018. obavljena je službena primopredaja 15x12m Servisnog katamarana „AQUA SUPPORTER" za opskrbu ribogojilišta,Tehnomontova Gr.106
Servisni katamaran „SULEFJORD“
U Puli, dana 06. svibnja 2018. obavljena je službena primopredaja 15x12 m Servisnog katamarana „SULEFJORD“ za opskrbu ribogojilišta, Tehnomontova Gr.105
UREDBA(EU) 2016/679 EUROPSKOG PARLAMENTA I VIJEĆA od 27. travnja 2016. o zaštiti pojedinaca u vezi s obradom osobnih podataka i o slobodnom kretanju takvih podataka te o stavljanju izvan snage Direktive9 5/46/EZ (Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka)
MoreQuality Management System
Successful transition of Quality Management System and Environmental Management System as well as recertification of Safety Management System
New contract for Tehnomont
New contract for another 24 m Fishfarming Service Vessel, already fifth vessel in series, has been signed in Trondheim, Norway.
Side launching at Tehnomont
Launching of 24 m Service Vessel for Norwegian fish farming industry, Tehnomont’ s hull no.103, has been arranged on 21st July 2017.and for the first time as side launching.
MoreNew Contract for Fishing Vessel
Tehnomont Shipyard Pula began working on a new project – one Fishing Vessel for norvegian customer. The contract has been signed in April 2017, with final financing arranged by the owner, therefore effective beginning of July 2017.
New Contract signed for aluminium catamarans
New contract has been signed in Trondheim on 15th February 2017. for building of 1 + 1 aluminium catamarans designed for fish farming in Norway.
Delivery at Tehnomont shipyard
New contract for one 24 m Fishfarming vessel has been signed in Trondheim, Norway in September 2016.
Launching of Patrol boat at Tehnomont shipyard
Launching of 25 m aluminium Patrol boat for Croatian Police has been arranged on 4th October 2016.
Delivery at Tehnomont shipyard
On 26th August 2016. at Tehnomont shipyard in Pula celebration of new delivery took place. It was hull no. 101 – another fish farming vessel for Norwegian owner.
New Delivery in Tehnomont Shiypard
Delivery of 24 m Service Vessel for fishfarming industry, NB 100, took place on 14.06.2016. at Tehnomont Shipyard Pula.
She was named TROLL and following Delivery she was lifted on heavy lifter for transportation to Norway.
Gr. 101 – Launching of third vessel
On 01.06.2016. it was arranged launching of third vessel for Norwegian owners, 24 m Service Vessel. The vessel with performance, specific gear and standard of outfitting represent additional step forward for Tehnomont Shipyard Pula on European market, and especially on demanding Norwegian market. Deliver will take place in August 2016.
MoreGr. 100 – Launching of 24 m Service Vessel
Launching of Gr. 100, 24 m Service Vessel for Norwegian fish farming industry was arranged on 06.04.2016. It is second vessel in series but outfitted with more specific equipment necessary for working on fish farms.
MoreSigned contract for one Patrol Boat
Tehnomont Shipyard Pula won the international tender for one 25 m Patrol Boat that was announced by Croatian Ministry of Interior. It is the same design that Tehnomont built back in 2012. For the same owner.
Delivery of first Service Vessel for fish farming
At Tehnomont shipyard Pula on the 21st July 2015. it was delivery of first Service Vessel for fish farming for the Norwegian owners. It is 24 m Service Vessel that will operate in fish farming industry and with following characteristics: large aft open deck equipped with two cranes (capacities of 90 tm and 65 tm), hydraulic winch with 60 t pulling force, hydraulic mooring winches, equipment for high pressure washing etc.
The second (optional ship)
The second (optional ship) from the Contract signed on 20th of May 2015 entered into force and third for the same owner Moen Marin AS Trondheim from Norway. Ship is designed as Service vessel for fish farms.
MoreLaunching of Yard No 99
On 27th of May, Yard No 99 constructed by Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula d.o.o. for Norwegian company Moen Marin AS Trontheim, was launched into the sea.
We signed a new contract
Successful cooperation between Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula d.o.o. and Company Moen Marin As Trondtheim, Norway are going further. Namely we signed another contract for the construction and delivery 1 + 1 service vessel for fish farms.
Delivery of the Boat for Gosport Ferry Ltd
Pula, 12th of Ferbruary 2015. – Newbuild No 98 has been delivered
It is a passenger ferry built for english company Gosport Ferry Ltd, named HARBOUR SPIRIT. Tha main purpose of this ferry is transportation of passengers, bycicles and motorcycles between Portsmouth and Gosport. The boat has excellent maritime performance.
Implementation of ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2
During the year 2002, Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula doo implemented for the first time the quality management system according to a standard ISO 9001:2000.
Delivery of the boat for Royal Gibraltar Police
Pula, 15th October 2014. - Newbuild No 97 has been delivered. It is a aluminum patrol boat built for Royal Gibraltar Police. Tehnomont Brodogradilište Pula won that contract in a keen competition with five best european shipyards. Boat has been built based on CAMMARC DESIGN Scotland. Main characteristics: 2 Caterpillar engins with max engine output 2x1193 kW; max Lenght overall 25,10 m; Beam overall 6 m; Full load draught amidship 1,6 m; Max speed 30 kn.
New contract - Marin Design As
TEHNOMONT BRODOGRADILIŠTE PULA d.o.o. was selected in a very tough international competition and signed shipbuilding contract for one service vessel for fish farm with Moen Marin As, company based in Trontheim, Norway.
Ship will be designed by Marin Design As, in accordance with the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (NMD).